Get the Brothers on A&E's "Biography"/VH1's "Behind the Music"

Righteous Brothers

Righteous Brothers, Florida, November 1985

Welcome to the Get the Brothers on A&E and VH1 page. It's time the Brothers are profiled on A&E's "Biography" and VH1's "Behind the Music", don't you agree? Here is your chance to be heard. Below are the addresses and telephone numbers for both cable networks. Maybe if enough of the RB Faithful call or write, we can get a show done on Bill and Bobby. Hey, if the likes of the Partridge Family or the "criminal of the week" is "worthy" of a profile, why not the Brothers? So let's do it!

Here are the addresses and telephone numbers:


                          235 East 45th Street

                          New York, New York 10017


                          Att:  Viewer Relations



                           1515 Broadway

                            New York, New York 10036


                            Att:  Viewer Services

Some helpful hints when contacting A&E or VH1:

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