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The Freestyle Connection

Welcome to The Freestyle Connection. I would like to thank many of you out there for the positive feedback and support over the years. It has been nearly 7 years since I launched this site and I'm still very serious about sharing my love for Freestyle music. It has always been my passion and dedication to keep Freestyle alive through the internet. My initial goal of this site is to create a place that is not only about the music but to give Freestyle a sense of history. It is my personal initiative to make the Freestyle Connection a place that informs as well as report what is currently happening in the community.

In my update I've included new material such as "Freestyle in Film, news and additional years to the Freestyle timeline. There will be alot more goodies added in the coming months so be sure to come back often. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any comments, suggestions or requests. If you'd like to be included on my mailing list, sign my Guestbook.

Special Thanks to Emanouel Pontikakis and Karen S. for their generous support.


Freestyle Connecton has just got Blogged. Check out daily updates on news, thoughts and events happening in the Freestyle Community. Freestyle Connection Blog

In 2007! Look out for Nocera's new album later this year. Her first single "Need You Tonight", should be in stores soon!

FOCUS: East Side Story

In the coming weeks the F.C. will feature a focus on the lost 1988 film "East Side Story." Stay Tuned! To start things off here's a film scene of Safire performing "I'm Gonna Make It"

Remember When...
Freestyle is sometimes referred to (sometimes disparaging) as "rollerskating music" due to its prevalence in roller rinks. In Miami (where Freestyle is largely prevalent), Freestyle is sometimes called "Hot Wheels music" after the Hot Wheels roller rink (now called "Super Wheels.")The F.C. wants to bring back those lost days of hanging at the rinks and NY hot clubs like the Heartthrob, Palladium, 1018, FunHouse and the Devils Nest. Help relive those days by sharing your memories or sending photos.

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***Last Updated August 2007***

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