The sad, sad TRUTH.
I actually get more "Good job!" mail than "You suck!" mail. Imagine that.

"Your page is crap how dare you
say such things about my God!"
- an OBSESSIVE Leo fan
Welcome. If you're one of those Leo-lovers who'll get all

offended with my views of this so called "professional actor",

then just leave right now and drool over your Jack Dawson

poster or something. I don't understand Leo fans, why the heck

do they go into Anti-Leo sites in the first place? Hey, we

webpeople never forced you to go into our pages! Why people

get all hyped up over websites is totally beyond me. This

page is really more against Leo LOVERS than Leo himself,

ESPECIALLY his obsessed fans who are screaming

"LEO! LEO!" every waking moment. Wanna protest? Go on, you

can send me the hate mail.

*Note* For some reason, just because I dislike Leo, I seem to hate the movie Titanic and totally disrepect the dead. Like, HELLO! Firstly, Jack Dawson NEVER existed, so hating Leo doesn't mean anything, and secondly, if you fans are accusing me of that, does that mean you really only think of Leo as Jack Dawson??? I've never heard anyone scream to me that I don't respect the mentally handicap. Geez.

People, open your eyes. Leo's this scrawny 23 year old who IS probably bisexual. By the way, a lot of Leo lovers don't seem to know what BISEXUAL means, but the fact that he dates female supermodels DOES NOT mean that he is NOT bisexual. He's arrogant (let's not forget about boycotting the Oscars) and don't even start about how "cute" he is.

And for those of you who are love Titanic, even his spokes person said Leo didn't think it was his best performance, SO GET OVER IT! As far as I'm concern, you people don't even like LEONARDO DICAPRIO, but JACK DAWSON! As James Cameron said, "The choices he's likely to make may disappoint people. He may not want to be Jack again for a while."

It's plain obvious that a lot of girls like him for his looks, not his talent. When I watched Titanic for the first time, the whole theater was like "Awww!" as soon as they first see Leo's eyes. That tells you something, doesn't it?

Awwwwww! Look! Isn't that CUTE???

New mail will be up hopefully before March Breaks ends. I have over 200 to answer, the first one I saw was called "screw you", so I'm looking forward to some happy times. (19 March)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Wanna link to my page? Doesn't matter if it's not a Leo Hating page. We just need to spread the word!

Here's the code:

Please vote AGAINST Leonardo!!!

Good news for LEO HATERS! Leo's going DOWN thanks to LEO LOVERS!!!!


Another teeny-boppy person, Chloe or whatever the hell her name is, has this page call "The Church of Leonardo DiCaprio", and she's encouraging people to spam other Leo haters. She writes:

* NEVER tell the people where you got there e-mail address from! Ever! If they find out the Church is totally anti-them, Leo knows what they will do
* Make sure they know not to mess with Leo Lovers!!!

Chicken sh*t! Too scared to stand up for Leo yourself, huh? Send her an e-mail if you've enjoyed my hatemail section and feel like try to write hatemail yourself. Go on, it fun! Stay tune, I'll manipulate some of her pics soon. That girl looks more ugly than Godzilla, so maybe I don't need to!

What's NEW?
Watch the DiCraprio Channel now!
Titanic II - The Sequel (of the funny script)

News FLASH!!! What has Leo done NOW???
News FLASH No 2!!! Leo DOESN'T make the GRADE!
News FLASH No 3!!! Who has Leo offended NOW???

Crazy enough about Leo? Why don't you take an OATH and JOIN THE PRIESTHOOD???? Like HELLO!!! This page even allows you to submit your CONFESSIONS. Awww....isn't that CUTE???

Leo Haters vs Leo Lovers Leo Quotes Titanic Script Why Leo Fans are so annoying! HATE mail The most POINTLESS e-mails Honorable Fans! Hater's Mail About this Page Sign the Hatebook View the Hatebook Links other Anti-Leo Pages Send me any contributions

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If you want to copy or download anything from this, just don't, ok? Copying is just so uncool.

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