"One of my passions is to meet people and then imitate them. I love doing that."
Boy, I bet if it's anyone else imitating you, you'd be damned annoyed. Even Claire Danes herself said it: "He does these amazing impressions of people on the set. Actually, it's a little scary because I know he's done me when I haven't been around."

"I would really like to have sweet people around me. I can’t stand bad-asses. There’s too many of them, especially my age, in LA."
Trying to promote the mama's boy image again? Heard he just recently moved out of his home with his mom. Welcome to the REAL world, Leo.

"I'm not a drinker or a womanizer. But I like it when the women chase me"
Of course not, toy boy. You look pretty sober in the opposite pic, don't you?

"Jack....I-I'm flying!!!"

"I don’t do drugs. I’ve never done drugs in my life . . . I’m just not interested."
But you smoke. As though THAT can't kill ya, will it?

"Leo's cheap. I feel funny saying that, but I've said it to him. But he'll look for a place on the street to park rather than use valet parking." - Ethan Suplee (Leo's friend)
Cheap, true. I've read somewhere that his favorite color was green because it's the color of moss and money. Nice.

"He was kind of a dork, like a little wimpy guy." - Marshall High classmate Susanna Mejia
"He IS a dork, a little wimpy guy" is more like it.

"I wanted to be an actor so I could be cool and all the girls would see me."

"Leo liked this film, but for some reason he didn't want it seen." - Don's Plum producer David Stutman
Lucky for us, huh? I heard Leo got sued.

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