Welcome to my Guestbook!

Cloud Strife - 11/05/00 18:04:57
My URL:http://www.expage.com/ILoveAeris/
My Email:donjamieson22@earthlink.ney
Where are you from?: Some Where..not over the Rainbow..><
How did you find my page?: Webring
Comments: Its ok.

Your sites kinda cheezey in a way. Its ok,but cant you do better?

gavin williamson - 08/19/00 02:51:45
My Email:gab_069@hotmail
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find my page?: Friend

Its a pretty neat site-Ireally liked the wizard of oz

firas - 07/04/00 12:18:07
Where are you from?: rutgers nj
How did you find my page?: yahoo

funny shit.....

stickly - 05/31/00 00:08:50
My Email:cheeriosrule@hotmail.com

You talk about how you are a good artist and that your animations are good but...buddy i have to tell you i have seen much better. But other than that you sites pretty cool!

terrell short - 05/12/00 17:11:50
My Email:cktjm@msn.com
Where are you from?: NYC
How did you find my page?: a friend
Comments: you rock


- 05/05/00 20:49:42
My URL:http://www.churchofsatanicfellowshi.homestead.com/index.html

Phunny stuff.

Liam - 05/05/00 18:16:25
My Email:liam.mcdougal@gs.com
Where are you from?: earth
How did you find my page?: you're my sister?

Wow, Em, you've certainly put a lot of work into this site... no wonder your grades are so bad ;) I'm just so pleased you took it upon yourself to discuss my sex life on your webpage. Anyway, I'm just letting the world know that I'm no longer a tool of icrosoft, but of a much worse entity (guess which?). Having never met Bill Gates, I can provide no conclusive evidence that he is or is not the devil. End communication.

YOU SUCK!!! - 04/16/00 17:24:47
My Email:YOU SUCK@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: MIADSAISddngvdith
How did you find my page?: On the bottom of the top 100000-000 websites
Comments: YOUSUCK


Al Mcphereson - 04/15/00 03:54:47
My Email:BigAl@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: New Jersey
How did you find my page?: i searched for crap on yahoo
Comments: the only thing that could possibly make your page better would be live chat with jesus!

look, your animation.... touched me.... it made me suicidal... i wanted to shoot myself in the leg then in the head so i could suffer imense amounts of pain before i died! this is such crap, that if i rubbed it on my face, it would smell like crap! crap i tell you!!! by the way, as for the humor part of your stick death... your crap could only be topped by one of arnold schwartzenagers cheezy action film lines!!! why dont you go find the funny tree, and smoke it! becuase you dont got nothing a stirring in yourself rig t about now, you have the sense of humor of a dead pig! and that is what your animation looks like also, HURT! please!!! grind me up in a blender, then eat my spleen!!! you make me very! very!!! disgusted by this poor display of crap! what you have is not even stick death it is death of crap! it wreaks so bad of crap, it almost smells like "the garbage state" new jersey!!! crap!! (yes i am from NJ, it smells like crap, this place is the worst excuse for a claim of land called a state!) so therefor i leave ou on a happy note, your site blows!

Angelica - 04/08/00 03:09:40
My Email:yokami_2003@yahoo
Where are you from?: texas
How did you find my page?: from a friend
Comments: laughed my ass off


CRYSTAL DRAGON - 03/26/00 05:28:21
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/kandykorn1/sd.html
My Email:crystal_dragon_2001@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: HELL
How did you find my page?: ???
Comments: HUH?!

Your stick death site is pretty cool the only main problem is with the guy in the library WHACKIN-OFF!!! WHAT'S WITH THAT???!! Nice page overall.

Branden - 03/06/00 04:27:23
My URL:http://on.to/brl
My Email:bee_2100@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: cali
How did you find my page?: yahoo


MRFTW - 02/18/00 01:39:05
My URL:http://mrftwsgod.8k.com/mrftw.htm


Dr. S. R. Godd - 02/18/00 00:50:37
My Email:ThisIsGodd@aol.com
Where are you from?: Sydny, Australia
How did you find my page?: Recommended by Collegue

Could be a very theraputic tool in treating some types of manic depression involving Polistokum Syndrom.

Dr. I.M.Godd M.D. - 02/15/00 20:38:43
My Email:ThisIsGodd@aol.com
Where are you from?: Sydny, Australia
How did you find my page?: Patient Recomended
Comments: Highly Entertaining

Shows a great deal of perception and can be useful in treating some cases of psycosis.

Ross M. - 02/12/00 21:50:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Trouble1201
My Email:Trouble1201@excite.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma, US
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook

You have a great page, thanks for looking at mine, I was kinda shocked anybody went to it at all with the fact that I don't advertise it. Keep up the good deaths.

Emily - 02/04/00 14:52:07
How did you find my page?: it's my page

if you don't like my page, you can go fuck yourself. i just hope your not such a dickless loser that you feel a need to insult people in their guestbooks to feel good about yourself.

nick "the yard 'o beef" harris - 02/03/00 23:01:07
My Email:psychognome00@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: sandiego
How did you find my page?: i went on the top 50 deaths
Comments: your stuff sucks anus


Eric - 02/01/00 02:20:22
My URL:http://http://www.angelfire.com/al2/stickfigure
My Email:EHsmash@aol.com
Where are you from?: haha
How did you find my page?: accidently clicked on your worthless banner
Comments: wow! your animations are unbelievable

your animations suck! you have good ideas but you barely make the stick people move! i bet each one of your animations took like 5 frames. i think you should take some time and make a good animation. you need to make more frames and make it look better, your stuff sucks. like the two gay people in the village, they weren't even walking. they were just talking, and then all of a sudden lighnting blinks and the stick guy is on the ground? that is fucking worthless!!!!!

Jess - 01/19/00 03:03:34
Where are you from?: about three feet above you
How did you find my page?: a birdie told me about it
Comments: MY LORD!!!

geez em, you are such a pervert, glad you finally came clean, maybe now youll get the help you so badly need. for now, get out of my house! (j/k) why do you have two comment boxes, you silly little girl? also, nobody believe a word emily says--we ARE s eeping together!!!

Skiball - 01/18/00 03:13:11
My Email:skiball@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: here and there
How did you find my page?: stick death theater

nice page. very amuzing.

Allie - 01/18/00 03:11:26
Where are you from?: boston
How did you find my page?: You told me about it!

Em, Now that u r forcing me to sign your guestbook at gunpoint, I guess I have to say something nice about ur page. OK, it's very bitchin. Happy happy? Love ya --Allie.

Sallad - 01/05/00 01:28:59
My URL:http://hem.passagen.se/i95krisa/index.html
Where are you from?: Linköping, Sweden
How did you find my page?: While searching for cartoons (guess I found the right place :)

Well... those cartoons were pretty sick!!! lol!! but I mean that in a good way of course! I really liked the party animal :)

HONEY - 12/19/99 01:33:21
My Email:ademaree@webtv.net
Where are you from?: uranus
How did you find my page?: magic
Comments: lovely

Very funny , and heart warming at the same time. Kind of make's me feel all fuzy inside !

Kevin Stimeling - 11/03/99 21:26:43
My Email:Stimeling@enter.net
How did you find my page?: buddy told me

Stupid but funny. How would I go about creating my own stick death page?

ANDY - 10/25/99 22:40:12
My Email:king@utopia.com
Where are you from?: COCKNEYLAND
How did you find my page?: PISSPOOR!


ANDY - 10/25/99 22:36:41
My Email:king@utopia.com
Where are you from?: COCKNEYLAND
How did you find my page?: PISSPOOR!


brittany - 07/26/99 16:24:15
My URL:http://www.brittanybaca@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: california
How did you find my page?: went into strange deaths
Comments: it's awesome!


Clinton - 07/14/99 22:31:39
My Email:buck_wylde1@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Washington, D.C.
How did you find my page?: Through links
Comments: Man you make funny ass cartoons man


aLi - 06/20/99 00:22:15
My Email:o no u don't
Where are you from?: never-never land
How did you find my page?: it was under my bed
Comments: oh BE-HaVE!


Maia(boo) - 06/20/99 00:20:41
My Email:budagyrl@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Mass.
How did you find my page?: just fuckin' round
Comments: this page kix ass,an' keep it up!:)~

uumm,C ya!

Kinganimator - 04/05/99 00:57:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/kinganimator
My Email:emilne@home.com
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find my page?: Top 50 Animated Death Sites

Cool stuff. Maybe you'd consider an award. I got one at my page. take the link above and apply for it.

- 03/29/99 17:45:24

you suck you blow you have no talent stop trying

Nomad - 03/26/99 19:16:01
My Email:Damon@evro.freeserve.co.uk
Where are you from?: Aylesham/Kent
How did you find my page?: Book

I think that your web page is imaginative, witty, but who gives a shit about that, it's FUCKIN GREAT!

mike - 03/14/99 02:24:50
My Email:made guy @aol.com
Where are you from?: nj
Comments: keep it up its a pisser

can i link to your page its a pisser

Enerd Jenkins - 03/13/99 00:37:57
My URL:http://fly.to/enerd
Where are you from?: ??
How did you find my page?: Came to me in a dream

Cool...want to trade links?

Matthew - 02/28/99 03:30:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lagoon/4768/stickman/stickman.html
My Email:ruddegar@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find my page?: Animated Deaths Web Ring

Keep it up!

buddha - 02/26/99 00:29:05
Where are you from?: minnesota
How did you find my page?: shit I don't know

stick death kicks ass

buddha - 02/26/99 00:25:56
Where are you from?: india
How did you find my page?: by my friend

stick death kicks ass

Erika - 02/24/99 04:36:42
My Email:dak9853@cup.edu
Where are you from?: PA
How did you find my page?: surfin'
Comments: ha ha

Now I know that there are other sick individuals like myself out there. Keep killing the stick figures!!!

Ryan - 02/15/99 20:23:27
My Email:ziploc9@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find my page?: A Friend
Comments: COOOOLLLLLL!!!

I am Single ladies.

Stinger - 02/06/99 03:25:17
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ak/madhornet
Where are you from?: Frozen Death, Alaska
How did you find my page?: You signed MY guestbook
Comments: why two comment boxes???....

I'm not gonna say "Cool, thanks for the laughs, Awesome page!!!" cuz that would be fibbing...but it's still a pleasent way to "die" to vomit on someone elses face...but if the puke was acid waste it MIGHT happen...but anyways, keep it up, whoever you are. ----Stinger, from Stinger's Crazy world (Frozen Death, Alaska)

AnarcH - 02/05/99 19:58:54
My URL:http://anarch.cjb.net
My Email:webmaster@anarch.zzn.com
Where are you from?: hellHampshire
How did you find my page?: link on my guestbook
Comments: kick ass animations, not cheap like some others ive seen.


- 02/04/99 22:13:33

this place is so damn gay

ryan - 02/04/99 21:33:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~zatgros/death-index.html
My Email:zatgros@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: some undisclosed location
How did you find my page?: from index of animated deaths

compared to the other stick deaths, yours are okay, but they are too short and the sticks always die the same way. ryan

Lilian - 01/24/99 21:58:13
My URL:http://welcome.to/kkwise
Where are you from?: Brazil
How did you find my page?: Webring

Cool site!! Loved the animations!

Kim - 01/14/99 19:48:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/wellesley/9348/sick.html
My Email:ksburton@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Kansas
How did you find my page?: A webring

Cool page! I liked the inevitable one, especially. It was sick. The library one, I'm afraid, was a bit too sick. Well, I'll be back!

Locutus - 01/09/99 20:35:33
Where are you from?: Houston
How did you find my page?: a friend

I LOVE YOUR WEB SITE!It's the funniest show of stick figures being killed

rachel - 12/25/98 14:31:18
How did you find my page?: my brother found it first< then i took it from him

this page was wicked cool

April - 12/18/98 23:29:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Breakers/3039
My Email:alexis001@rocketmail.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find my page?: surfin'
Comments: Whoa


Mike - 12/11/98 18:58:43
My Email:Skibo_1@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: cincy OH
How did you find my page?: my friend

I'm still laughing!

KrOoKiD - 12/09/98 06:10:45
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/KrOoKiD/default.html
My Email:killerbud@aol.com
Where are you from?: Stick Figure Hell
How did you find my page?: Web RIng
Comments: Nice Site

You should visit my site also. i think that all of us sick puppies should stick together. I hope you enjoy my death as much as I have enjoyed yours!

Tiffany - 11/28/98 05:06:02
My Email:Ad1daslvr
Where are you from?: AZ
How did you find my page?: a humping thing my freind sent me from the stick figure theatre

Your web page kicks some major ass!

Mosquito - 11/26/98 14:06:13
My Email:BobaPat513
Where are you from?: Penn
How did you find my page?: sfdt
Comments: :-) Kool! ożo

neat movies ożo

Gareth Ellis - 11/26/98 10:09:02
My URL:http://freespace.virgin.net/andrew.maguire/thechickenlives
My Email:thechickenlives@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Bristol, UK
How did you find my page?: It was lying in the street
Comments: arse

Cool site! But not nearly as cool as mine! You should go there. Now! Go on insolent mortal scum! The Chicken Lives, and don't you bloody well know it! Your site is impressive, but if you ever saw the chicken, then your site would be humbled by the in redible power of the immortal hen! Death to the turkey! P.S. visit my site! sign book! Bow down and worship the hen! Go now fool Thank you for your time! Gareth Ellis

Chris - 11/22/98 15:44:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/O0oKeNNyo0/index.html
My Email:O0oKeNNyo0
Where are you from?: nj
How did you find my page?: surfing
Comments: none

go to my page

Dallas - 11/22/98 01:55:27
My Email:dallas@linkny.com
Where are you from?: somewhere
How did you find my page?: i just did
Comments: this page rocks

How do you create animation like this? What program do you use?

Mr.Wain - 11/09/98 04:39:44
Where are you from?: Cambridge University, England
How did you find my page?: Through SFDT or whatever
Comments: Hmmmm

It's quite annoying as I thought that I thought up the whole stick figure death thing on Thursday night. I then looked on the internet tonight, and wow. Now I know better. Arse.

Stickette - 10/13/98 19:05:43
My URL:http://ilovesticks
My Email:inme@aol.com
Where are you from?: Right here
How did you find my page?: duh! where do you think
Comments: Umm

You are one sick puppy biscuit. I like the chem lab one. But how did you hear about that incident? Who are you? Do you stalk me?

10/12/98 08:20:52
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

chris - 10/11/98 20:04:37
My URL:http://www.sfdt.com
My Email:nikedudec
Where are you from?: tucson az
How did you find my page?: i'm not a retard
Comments: dude

this is awsome make more!!! make more!!!! make more!!!! make more!!!!

Rob - 10/10/98 00:11:12
Where are you from?: California
How did you find my page?: sfdt fan pages

I enjoyed your movies. There is subtle humor in your work. Many SFDT movies lack humor and are simply gross or hateful. I loved the face of the new year's resolution guy as the fire blazes up.

P.J. Veber - 10/06/98 11:31:23
My Email:pjveber@awod.com
Where are you from?: SC
How did you find my page?: Linked from SFDT
Comments: Sure. :)

Funny, funny stuff. I especially liked A Walk in the Village. *LOL* Thanks for the laughs!

Greg - 09/17/98 18:02:52
My Email:Pugsley78
Where are you from?: CT
How did you find my page?: You told me about it
Comments: I loved it

I loved the site. I miss talking to you and I cant wait till we meet again in cyberspace.

Brogan - 09/14/98 04:11:49
My Email:wyrd666@aol.com
Where are you from?: miami
How did you find my page?: thru a friend

absolutely genius! bravo!

Stinger mh - 09/10/98 04:38:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/madhornet.com
My Email:lacau@alaska.net
Where are you from?: AK
How did you find my page?: Netscape Navigator
Comments: COOOL

SOO COOOL MAN, I like them all and i want you to tell me what program is that you use to make 'em so i can get it and make my own....yada yada..

Dan Suptic - 09/09/98 15:17:08
My Email:dantopia@deskmail.com
Where are you from?: Olathe
How did you find my page?: Kismet
Comments: People

People like you give animation a bad name. By all rights, keep it up!

jay b. - 09/08/98 16:56:47
Where are you from?: COLORADO
How did you find my page?: i dont know


jay b. - 09/08/98 16:55:56
How did you find my page?: i dont know


Conrad - 09/05/98 02:52:41
My URL:http://www.mit.edu/~zconrad/
Where are you from?: earth
How did you find my page?: with much difficulty

nice page, lady

brian - 09/04/98 18:17:18


brad slinkman - 08/31/98 16:08:21
My Email:brad77vh@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: md
How did you find my page?: joe elliott

the one with the frog was cool.

jack sc HUANG - 08/31/98 05:51:34
My Email:jacksc69@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: taiwan
How did you find my page?: from stick figure death
Comments: nice use of color...dramatic endings


Joseph A. Elliot - 08/29/98 20:09:59
My Email:jaelliot@utkux.utcc.utk.edu
Where are you from?: New Haven, CT
How did you find my page?: Lycos Search
Comments: Really Cool!

Best one is Dead Man On Campus, Part II

Death - 08/29/98 15:18:42


Mike R - 08/28/98 20:36:14
My Email:skatermike@home.com
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find my page?: My friend
Comments: great

i have meny GREAT ideas, but i don't know who to do this, i use to do this kind of stuff when i was a younger kid, but that was all on paper, any way, i think it's great,maby to can tell me how to do it, that would be most vool, if not, that cool too, anyway, i'll tlak to ya later, E=mail me or somethin

vivian melendez - 08/28/98 01:08:06
My Email:V_pooh@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: pueerto rico
How did you find my page?: friend
Comments: this is too cool

this is too cool i want to know how to make my own

John J Quasarano - 08/27/98 13:43:50
My Email:quasarjj@bring-it.eastown.com
Where are you from?: Detroit. Michigan
How did you find my page?: SFDT.com
Comments: Thanx for the page :P


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