that's a cool dude!

far out!


from the olden days

packs a punch!

honesty - the best policy

very large woman

what's she sellin?

ahh splendid!

"yes ma'am...i'm a 
gin-u-ine  cowboy"


delilah had a hard day!

i'll take 2 please!

funny sign

something peculiar

something peculiar again


is this your family?

Mr. Faris has funny hair

take this test!

this is just sick!

she's mad!
(and poorly dressed)

ahh...those were the days

look!  up in the sky!

thats a long one!

mustard goes on hotdogs

want some?

hangin out

not attractive!

nice mother/daughter portrait (with headgear)

she means business!


mmmm hot dogs!

magic carpet ride

this place is a mess!

Bad girl!

Kenny Rogers ate 
too much of his chicken!

this can't be real!

big hit at ST conventions

torture device

see anything good?

dance the nite away!

would you buy this?

ahh the true essence of being a 10 year old boy


competative sport

did she just make 
that puddle?

pay attention!
proven effective

wait...i'm confused

2-steppin sweeties

hangin out with the boys

i still don't understand




the bride of frankenstein

better her than me

interesting treaments

and still more

yeah baby!


okay bubba...settle down
 and put yer shirt back on

sure i'll cook dinner