NOTES: This was might first all-access experience at any kind of concert. So it turns out a friend of mine is the soundman for Keller Williams, and managed to get myself and 3 other friends all-access passes to the show in the harbor in Baltimore (thanks brother-Lou). What a blast it was to be able to come and go as we pleased. While other concert go'ers were being patted down for weapons and other "contraband" - we just showed our pass and walked right past the line. We spent a good amount of time in the leather comfort of the air-conditioned bus hanging out with Keller - which was a very "kind" experience. We went backstage for the Rusted Root set - which was interesting looking out into the crowd from behind all the mess of wires and cables. All in all - it was a most excellent show. Keller is extremely talented and if you ever get a chance to see him - do it!

See anything strange about the ticket above - it has no face value. It was comp'ed (like the backstage pass) - so no price is printed on the ticket.

Page Updated 1/24/02