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With various magazine articles
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Well, hot tuna in a can, She's actually updated the site! I hope everyone likes what I've done new here so far. It was nice to do something different for a change, & I'm far from finished. Be on the lookout for more changes & new stuff, all coming soon! I'd love to hear what everyone thinks, so if you have any comments or suggestions for me, please don't hesitate to tell me. Hmm, let's see, the usual good things are all still here... now for the new stuff: I created a whole new section, featuring various articles (well... only one right now!) written about The Beatles. I also threw some new pictures into my Beatles picture collection. I added Paul's Playboy Magazine interview to the Interview page. I added the Beatles Song List, & the US singles chart statistics to The Lists page. Don't forget, if you are visiting Tomorrow Never Knows... & you have your own Beatles website, just fill out the form on my Links page & submit your banner or text link to me! I want to have a huge link section, so people can find any Beatles-related website they might need. Oh yeah, the Trivia page still needs some new questions (the way I work you won't be seeing any until the 22nd century). Just kidding! (or not...)

Anyway, PLEASE remember to take the time to sign my guestbook! Once again I want to thank everyone who has supported my site from the begining & helped make Tomorrow Never Knows... what it is today. It may not be much, but I think it is a fitting tribute to the greatest band ever, & I hope this site continues to grow with all of your continued support :-)


E-mail me at: MissyTrent@yahoo.com
© 1997 Cassandra B.

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