Richard Tone (Elephant boy)
Richard is 2nd of of 3 founding members of the No-Tones foundation for respect for retards. He is our amazing drum wizard with the world's nicest drumkit, but he is also an accomplished guitarist in his own right. he's a good songwriter, but for some odd mystical reason none of his songs are on our playing list, althogh his makes all his mackin' drumbeats and wrote part of the lyrics to Broken. Richard, who enjoys walking around shirtless in sunglasses and a beanie with a stuffed monkey head sticking out of his fly, is our most intelligent band member. He is also one of the biggest retards, taking to jumping in the pool naked, getting out and doing his own naked dance, and then settling in a corner to engage in auto-erotic asphyxiation (thats jacking off for those of you with a limited vocabulary). You can dance naked with Richard at NO

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