What we learned in spanish class Tuesday and Wednesday (1999):

- how to translate a line from English to Spanish
- incorporating little chihuahuas into verb forms
- having 90% desire the indicitive tense
- happening in every other sentence
- hearing is understanding Spanish
- knowing today what you won't tomorrow
- focusing on number 2
- preferring to sell your house
- feeling starry
- recalling may
- not using ue

- 'that' is a stoplight
- my Spanish is not immature
- underneath insistance is a school of fish
- verbs hammer wills unto others
- gentle manipulation can be built upon
- studying does not exist after may
- translate 'bump-bump-bump', not 'loosey-goosey'
- you're fat, dumb and happy until you see 'que'

I really didn't need to know this. Take me home.
Then why did you come?