The Militiaganders Revolutionary Vanguard:


Here's The SKAm in Action at Island Park

Check Out The Infamous Q (screamin' man)

Here's The Notorious R.O.B. (screamin' and rhythym 6 string)

Old Joel (aka Plank) (screamin' and 4 string rhythym fella (master of propoganda))

Check Out Rob Sleepin' and Joel Hangin' Wit Joe from The Coconut Superfreaks

It's Jay Playin' Secret Agent Hding Away

Old Rob Sittin Down And Lookin A Bit Paranoid (his right arm is blending into the chair....tee hee)

Here's Some Pictures From The "Ultimate Rock n' Roll Experience" Brought by The Stationary Noise Makers (R.I.P.)

Joel Pickin' Away At More Than His Brain

Joel Crashin' Hard After A Good Day Of Revolution

Old Demon Havin' A Bad Hait Day

Mr. Rhodes Lookin' Quite Intelligent (he's Got The "DEMON" eyes goin' on)

Robby Boy Sittin' Around At The Tattoo Convention In Detroit

Check Out Jason "The Demon" Rhodes With Our Fav. Rude Boy Devon (his son...awe)

Here's Old Robert NAKED Lookin Like Henry Friggin Rollins W/Sleeves

Here's a Pick Of Jay-Dogg and the Demon at Practice

Here's a Pick Of Joel Lookin' Like He Should be in Reel Big Fish

Here's Robby Digesting His Vegan Food at the Barb-Q

Here's Robby Playin' The `ol 6 String on A Saturday Night


Take Me Back Home Comrade!

Join The Revolution!