Riikka's Home Page

Welcome to my Homepage!

This site offers a lot of musical information about some great artists. Click on the links below.

Riccardo Fogli - Era musica, era amore - my contribution to the great Italian artist! Unofficial site.

Christian - Unofficial site (Cristiano Rossi, the Italian singer)
At the moment includes singles and albums discography

Other pages I have constructed:
ABBA and the Eurovision Song Contest - read the facts!
KIRKA Newspaper articles
TWIGGY Pictures of the top model, singer and actress
THE MORPHING PAGE A small study on beauty
Kemijärven Ensihoito ja Sairaankuljetus Oy An ambulance company

If you want to know about me, click here.

Page created November 18, 1997
Last updated May 5, 2006

© Riikka J 1997-2006

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