Band Info

Band Info.



Mail the Band

Here's a tribute to the greatest band in Canada - and all of America too, if you ask me. If you haven't heard of them, let me pull you out from under your rock. My aim is to inform those who might not have had exposure to Canada's "pride and joy". I will have recent news on them, opinions, experiences, pictures....yadda yadda - you know the whole speach ! I plan on keeping a record of the complete band ! which means I will have facts and stuff on Edwin too - as well as Brian, whom I welcome and wish the best of luck to. I haven't heard any of thier new stuff yet; I'm waiting very patiently. Apparently, the band has taken a new approach to their music. I'm okay with that idea, just as long as they don't become some tecno band or something. They have been known for very powerfull and motivating music. I've attended quite a number of their shows .....and
let me tell you - it's wild !! I keep losing my friggin' clothing - but oh well.....that's a small price to pay. I hope you enjoy this site and hopefully I will generate enough interest in these guys to have them put in their rightfull place in the music world - at the top !

I tool pictures from their site too. Thanks to I Mother Earth....for existing.


Thanks to :

One of the best places to get, well...everything !

Graphics by Toymaker
Seriously, one of the best graphics people out there ! He's very helpfull. I use alot of his stuff in the pages I make.

I have to thank these guys - they're the sponsors ! They do a great job.
okay .. you gotta be at the airport on April 17 @ about 5:30 PM .. Air Canada flt 719 ... and again on May 02 @ 6 AM Air Canada flt 146