Mixed Emotions Home Page

A Hot Mix of Cool Music

HI! Mixed Emotions here! AKA Bob Alexander and Diane Whitson. A big HELLO from the both of us:


We are a music duo who perform regularly on the Southern Oregon Coast. If you visit our wonderful coast, stop by and say hello.

For those of you who check the site to see where we are performing, our schedule for 2003 is as follows:

The Blue Moon Lounge, Coos Bay, Oregon - every Friday and Saturday Night

The Blue Moon

Through the end of the year

Original Music anyone? We will be adding some original waves (as soon as Diane figures out how!!)

Diane will be performing with "IT'S ABOUT TIME Big Band" monthly at Old City Hall in Coos Bay.This afternoon "Tea Dance" takes place the last Sunday of every month from 2 until 5 in the afternoon. Stop by, say you saw it here, and a free drink is yours!


Check out the Whole Shebang link for updates on all of the entertainment on the Southern Oregon area.

We are soon to go back into the studio with an all original CD. A "Favorites" CD is also in the works. Stay tuned for more. Goodbye for now!!

Links to other sites on the Web

The Whole Shebang - the coolest entertainment guide on the Oregon coast
CD Now
A list of musicians in Oregon and Washington, including us and a few of our friends

Thanks for the visit. Your e-mail is always welcome ...and come back again. YOU ARE VISITOR NUMBER......

© 1997 blu2you@koalas.com

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