Please visit this site for the benefit of Richie Hayward's son, Severin , who was seriously hurt in a car accident in mid-december. Richie is the drummer for the band Little Feat. There are lots of auctions and other cool stuff there. Anything you can do to help would be appreciated.

Hi, I am Bill Lehourites. Welcome to my websight. As you'll see , I love to trade for live shows. To see what I have available for trade, just click on Tape List. I also trade for videos. I've also got a link to my CD collection if you would like to see what kind of music I have.

You can also see some pictures.

Papingo, Greece

E-mail me at or at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

Official Little Feat Web Page
Official Deep Purple Web Page

© 1997