Sunshine State
Australian Shepherd Club
                                                Membership Application
Name:_______________________________ ASCA Membership #:__________________

Name:_______________________________ ASCA Membership #:__________________
Children's Names: ________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________
Day Time Phone #: _____________________Evening Phone #: _____________________

E-Mail Adress: ____________________________________________________________

Type of Membership:
Single [  ]  $10.00         Family: [ ]  $12.00          Subscription:  [  ]  $5.00         Junior:  [  ]  $3.00
Your Interests: Agility [  ]  Conformation  [  ]  Herding  [  ]  Jr. Showmanship  [  ] Obedience  [  ]
ASCA Kennel Name (if applicable) _______________Years  in Australian Shepherds:_____
Breeds of Dogs that you own: _________________________________________________

Commttees that you would like to serve on: ______________________________________

What YOU would like to gain/learn from this club ? _________________________________

How could YOU help this Club ? _______________________________________________

What activities would you like the club to have? ____________________________________

What other clubs/associations are you a member of ? ______________________________

SPONSOR NAME OR SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________

SPONSOR NAME OR SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________

If accepted for membership, I agree to abide by the ASCA Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, and all ASCA Rules
and Regulations governing the ASCA Registry and all other ASCA programs.  I will also agree to abide by the
SSASC By-laws.

Signature of Applicant: ________________________________Dated: ________________

Signature of Applicant: ________________________________Dated: ________________

Mail completed application to:
Sunshine State ASC, % Glenda Stephenson,  163 Anderson Ave NE, Palm Bay, FL 32907
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