Christopher Marlowe
     and The Reckoning

             Part Two


       "I met with Nicholas Skeres......"   =

        "Kit Marlowe's in chest ?  is he ??"  

      Nicholas Skeres, Ingram Frizer,
              Robert Poley                        =

         "Brass pin ...kneel ...or I graze ..."
              "Christofer Morley" ...

       Christopher Marlowe was sometimes
           referred to as Christofer Morley

home or index

        Christofer Marlowe     =

        False chit,  M. ?   Err ?  O row !

        Watch files,  M. ?  O !  error !

      At *The Reckoning*     =

      O  Kit !  Change rent ?

      as someone does who is moving
      elsewhere ......

       Bearded                =

        Bard,  Dee ?

        B.A.,  Dr. Dee ?

           was Merovingian line ?       =

           i.e. inn, saving Marlowe ...

           in awe ??  Ingram's in love !!!?

Kit Marlowe and the Templars
Kit Marlowe and the Templars
home or index
Kit Marlowe and the Templars

       Martin Marprelate         =

       Name it  "late"  Mr. Parr ??

       "I meant  "late"  Mr. Parr"

        Parr  merit a lament ?

       "M.M." ?  ...a *Parr* in
                        a letter

         Parr  lament a mitre ??

Parr Family Tree     Three

The Reckoning

      "I am Parr..."'s letter    =

       Martin Marprelate's

        Marprelate    =

        "late"  Parr,  me ?

       Who is Marprelate  ?     =

       Ah !  priest ! ...... *Marlowe* !

      Kit Marlowe was really
          KIT PARR
       son of William Parr, whose sister
            is Katherine Parr,
                  Queen of England

      Who is  Martin Marprelate   ?   =

       Parr, this it *Marlowe*

      O who is  Martin Marprelate  ?     =

      Name his portrait  *Marlowe*   !  

          Marprelate     =

           Parr met ale ???

             Martin  Marprelate      =

         A   METTLE    in a   Mr. Parr   !

    Marlowe's opinion of Whitgift ... ?

    Archbishop Whitgift     =

    Sh !  O !   fat pig with birch ?

    Birch hit ??  show fat pig ??

    Birch, whip, fit to gash ...

    Birch, whip, to hit "fags" ...

      A cry in The Bard's house ...    =

       Oh Canterbury !  is he SAD  ?!

Kit's life

Kings School, Canterbury,
    adjoins the Cathedral, and is
   where Kit Marlowe went
               to school

one        two      three

    Frizer could be derived from
    the name Fraser or Frizell

the clan Fraser probably came from
    Anjou or Normandy

The Reckoning...yet more...