How YOU can Help---

Complete a donor registration card

Talk to your family, especially your next of kin, about your wishes to be an organ and tissue donor and ask them to register as well

When you receive your welcome packet from the Living Bank, fill out the donor card that is included and carry it with you at ALL times
The need for an organ or tissue transplant may strike you or a family member next week or next year.  Even if a person has signed a donor card, the chances are greater that he or she will one day need an organ transplant as compared to his or her chances of meeting the medical criteria necessary to become an organ donor.

THEREFORE, If you would be willing to accept an organ if a transplant is necessary to save your life, then you should also be willing to register as a potential donor now in the event you could one day give the gift of life to someone else.

Some informative links on this topic include:                              
www. bertfish,com                                                          