Thoughtforms Use in Modern Spellworking

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(Note: This article is intended for use by an experienced worker of magic. While most thoughtforms that are created dissipate without energy, I have seen some feed off of  other energy than that infused by the creator, growing in strength. Only an experienced practitioner of the magical arts should attempt such a working as a rogue thoughtform can cause great harm.)

Thoughtforms are an often neglected part of modern magical training. Thoughtforms can aid the magical worker in any type of spell as well as warding a sacred area. I have used them successfully for many years for everything from healing to keeping my home safe.

Creating Thoughtforms

Thoughtforms are created through visualization and can take any form that seems appropriate to the situation the thoughtform is being used for. Animals work well in this area as well as human forms. When visualizing your thoughtform, be sure to equip the form with whatever tools that may be needed to obtain a favorable final result. I have seen healing thoughtforms equipped with a pouch of herbs appropriate the situation.

The act of visualizing the thoughtform is best undertaken in a quiet, comfortable space. I would suggest warding the area in whatever way the magicworker is comfortable with. Paying attention to small details such as dress or eye color aid the magic worker in creating a clear and precise thoughtform....literally a well thought out thoughtform.

The next important act of creation is the intent of the thoughtform. Thoughtforms should only be created with a specific intent in my mind. They are NOT imaginary friends. As in any spell, intent is the most important aspect of thoughtform creation. Imbue the form with as much emotion as you can muster in regards to intent.

Thoughtform creation is best added to on a daily basis. This creates a more stable and successful thoughtform. I spend at least three nights, preferably nine nights on any thoughtform I create. This also aids me in fully developing my creation in every aspect of it's being.

Charging the Thoughtform

Charging thoughtforms allow them to do their jobs quicker and with better results. Channel energy through the solar plexus chakra to infuse the thoughtform. Visualizing symbols, such as runes, will infuse the form with alot of energy. I often use bindrunes for such a purpose as they allow a more specific charge to be imbibed within the thoughtform. Sigils, ancient mythological symbols, and abstracts can also be used. Charging is begun on the first night of creation.

A Simple Thoughtform

A simple thoughtform can be created in the following way:

Day 1: Gather any items one needs to create sacred space and allow the worker to slip into an alpha state. Find a comfortable seated position and begin rhythmic breathing, allowing all mundane thoughts to slip away. Make sure you have grounded well. I imagine myself as growing roots like a tree, allowing me to tap into the unfathomable amount of energy contained within the earth.  When your mind is settled, begin to visualize what type of thoughtform you will use. See clearly the hair color, eye color, etc. of the thoughtform. When this imagine is set in your mind, clothe your thoughtform in whatever seems appropriate. Infuse the image with energy. I often use chants to infuse the thoughtform with intent. When you feel you have taken a good leap in developing the thoughtform store the energy into an object that can be keep hidden, away from prying eyes and curious hands. Crystals work well for this.

Day 2: Once again gather item and create sacred space following same procedure as the night before. This time go further in your development. Feel the texture of skin, hair, and clothing.

Day 3:  is much the same as as the previous two days except that today you will name the thoughtform. Naming is important as it allows the creator to have more control over his/her creation. The thoughtform is now ready to be stored for later use or sent forth. If storing the created thoughtform, remember to often hold and charge the item the thoughtform is stored in.

Sending The Thoughtform on it's Quest

Once the thoughtform is created it is time to send it on it's way to do the intended work. The goal of the thoughtform should be clearly focused. Send the focused outcome to the thoughtform with as much emotion and energy you can muster. Make sure the focus is clearly sent. Do not muddle the image with side projects. Release the thoughtform to it's quest. You may check it's progress by simply speaking it's name. When the thoughtform has accomplished your goal, it will return to you.

Releasing A Thoughtform

Thoughtforms should be carefully dissipated when no longer needed. While the energy will dissipate on it's own overtime, stray energy can rebound and cause an undesired effect. Uncreate the thoughtform just as you created it....stripping it down in reverse of it's creation. Allow the energy to unweave, disperse the intent or allow it to become neutral. Send the energy back into the earth.

A Final Note

Using thoughtforms in your magical work can be an intensely empowering experience. I once used a thoughtform form for many years to protect an area of diverse plant and animal life. Over time this thoughtform became very strong as she also fed of the natural energy of the area she was to protect. For ten years she held her ground. Tales were often heard from those who cut through the area of a woman in green who seemed to pace them as they passed times she would scare some so badly they never returned to the area. In most cases, these people had evil intent towards the place. By sending this thoughtform to this place, I bought enough time for wildlife officials to obtain the needed funds to buy this land and protect it forever.
