Welcome to my web site.  Trying a new, more colorful format that will be more pleasing on the eyes, if not more aggravating to your modem line.  I may even include music, but mostly default BLAH stuff from my web publishing program to start.

But it'll get good soon.

I want to put a thank you to my family, who remind me that a tank doesn't have to be perfect to be pretty.  I recommend the insight of a 6 yr old daughter to really add a little pizazz to your tank.

This Web Site provides a venue for me to show off my aquarium to people all around the universe.  It gives me a spot to place my opinions, with a favorable editor watching over me.  That's one thing that a lot of books are lacking nowadays is opinions.  The most common aquarium books are merely data sheets and factbooks in a pleasing format to accompany a boatload of really nice color plates.

But if I hear one more book recommending Tiger Barbs I will Vomit.  They are the spawn of the devil.  I can say that here.
This Page is Home

Go to News for any new developments in my tank.

Go to  
My Tank for an in depth description of my tank and a bit of my opinion thrown in there.

Go to
Pictures and Species data for a nice catalog of pictures and data.

Go to
Simple Fish Wisdom to pick up tips and tricks.

Go to
links for archives, recommended sites, downloads.  Anything that is not catagorized into the previous 5 will be put here until they get their own Category...  You know, a Links Page...  This is the internet.


My Tank
Pictures and Species Data

Simple Fish Wisdom
