In her angel incarnation
Peter David's Supergirl is a character with a very convoluted origin and backstory, so what did DC do? Got rid of her and brought back Kara Zor-El, cousin of Superman! I really like the PAD Supergirl however, so when I decided to make the Maid of Steel a while back, it was the Angel incarnation

I chose. Since making this figure, I saw multiple others with a very similar recipe, but I promise I didn't copy anyone, its just such a no-brainer that plenty of other people thought of it, and I have to say its a good recipe. The body is a Ninja Deathbird figure from one of the many X-Men based ranges, with the head of a Ninja Psyclocke. I sculpted the belt and the neck area, making a skirt from cloth, which I then painted. The wings came with Deathbird, and I did my best to make them appear firey, something I'm very happy with infact, I recently returned to this figure and tidied her up a bit, gave her a new paint job, smoothed over a few rough areas, but I decided to leave the wings, as I wasn'y convinced anything I could do now would be any better, so I just touched up a couple of scratches and left it at that. I have to say this is one of my favourite customs, one thats I'm quite proud of, even tho she's quite simple.