Tha Uptown Mafia Slut Krew


This unique Krew lead by our holy leader  Queen Kia, seen here.                      

      Queen Kia

The purpose of our crew is to attack nasty downtown people, and sleep round for money. we have a huge age range of members from 13 to 26, as well as people with different jobs from students to naked chefs. So far we have 30 members. 


To Join or see the Mafia Crew Site Goto here

The 10 Commandments of The Krew
1) Thou shall not kill fellow members of krew, unless dictated by Holy Kia Hall.
2)Thou shall not fraternise with the Down town Mafia.
3) Thou shall abide by all rules, commandments and dictations of my Leader.
4) Thou shall never ever on any circumstance sleep with a member of a down town krew.
5) Thou shall not appear in group sex, pornographic videos or photo shoots as it is an unfair advantage to stardom and takes advantage of your status in the Krew.
6) Thou shall bow at my Holy Leader when she is first in my presence.
7) Thou shall never participate in the buying, selling, smuggling or consuming (and sexual acts) of drugs or illegal immigrants or substances.
8) Thou shall never swear at/around Holy Leader.
9) Thou shall never forget my manners EVER!
10) Thou shall always abide by these commandments unless the life of another Krew member or Holy ones is at its peril.
If krew members are caught fraternising with down town krew members, they will be severely punished!
Punishments for bad people and betraying krew members 
hung drawn and quartered with their head put on a poll and marched around the local towns.
Tap on the nose/wrist/hand.
Flicking of the ear.
Thrown to the hungry warthogs of Korea and then left to be eaten by cannibals.