Bipolar disorder's primary symptoms are unpredictable, severe mood swings. An individual suffering from the bipolar disorder experiences episodes that subject him/her to mood swings between severe mania and depression (most times with periods of normal moods in between). He/she may be more prone to mania or depression, or experience both extremes in equal frequency. This article enumerates the more prevalent symptoms of bipolar disorder and how to recognize them.

An episode of mania is marked by several distinctive symptoms. The most common signs of mania include increased energy, happiness, and restlessness. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder may display a lasting euphoria that is unusual for them, which is a sure sign to those around them that something isn't right. They may also experience thinking and talking very quickly, often jumping from one topic to another. They also requires little sleep to keep up their energy levels during the day.

During a manic phase, individuals may display unrealistic belief in their own abilities and powers. This may result in poor judgment and decision-making - some individuals may indulge in spending sprees and other reckless social behavior. These individuals may also have difficult times while at work, as they are often extremely irritable and distractable. They also find it hard to concentrate on their work. These are notable symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Other symptoms of bipolar disorder's manic phase includes an increased sexual drive. The feelings of grandeur and invincibility may also lead the sufferer to abuse drugs (particularly cocaine), alcohol, and sleeping medications. And for all the trouble they may potentially cause, they may deny that anything is wrong, or insist that they are not in fact suffering from a major psychological illness.

Conversely, an individual with bipolar disorder going through a depressive phase experiences lasting sadness, emptiness, anxiousness, or despair. They are often overly pessimistic, and have unbased thoughts of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness. These negative feelings almost certainly result in loss of interest or pleasure in activities the sufferer may have once enjoyed, such as sex.

During a depressive phase, the individual may either sleep too much or not at all. This results in decreased energy levels during the day. While at work, the person has difficulty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions, resulting in an inefficiency unusual to the individual. They may also be restless or irritable, and may experience chronic pain, discomfort, and other bodily symptoms with seemingly no known causes. These symptoms of bipolar disorder should cause an alarm to those around the individual.

Perhaps the most dangerous symptom of a depressive phase entails thoughts of suicide. A high rate of individuals suffering from bipolar disorder die due to self-inflicted causes, and often the condition is not recognized until it is too late for the individual. It is imperative that anyone who displays any of the symptoms of bipolar disorder enumerated above be checked by a professional on the condition. The prompt and early treatment of this disorder will prevent any harm to patients and those around them.

For more information on bipolar disorder symptoms follow the link.

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