Quiz Answers
Question 1: What is the largest Phylum in the Animal Kingdom
Answer: A (Arthropoda)

Question 2: What class do amphipods belong to?
Answer: C (Crustacea)

Question 3: What group of arthropods dicussed in this web site is known for its extensive fossil record?
Answer: A (Ostracods)

Question 4: What group is also known as the "sand fleas"?
Answer: C (Amphipods)

Question 5: Which group is characterized by a single, centrally located eye?
Answer: B (Copepods)

Question 6: Which group is MOST closely related to lobsters (Order Decapoda)?
Answer: C (Amphipods)

Question 7: Which group is also known as the "water fleas"?
Answer: D (Cladocera)

Question 8: In this group, the females carry the eggs in a marsupium (sac) until they hatch.
Answer: C (Amphipods)

Question 9: These organisms lack gills and appendages on their abdomens.
Answer: B (Copepods)

Question 10: Which group is unique because the body trunk bears, at most, two pairs of appendages? (HINT: it has a bivalve shell)
Answer: A (Ostracods)

Questions 11-14: Match the picture with its order or class.
Answer: the answers from left to right are copepod, cladoceran, ostracod and amphipod

Question 15: True or False: Amphipods play an important role in ecosystems.
Answer: C (True: they make up a large part of the organisms known as 'zooplankton' and are the main source of food for many different organisms)

Question 16: True or False: It is possible to collect an organism from all four groups in Knox County for your collection..
Answer: D (True: although many of the organisms occur only in salt water, there are freshwater representatives from all four groups and most are quite common in the rivers, streams or lakes)