Surbaybor 2
Episode 7: a dilemma

Summary: surbaybor,

***The contestants take a moment for themselves.
Ian: It is different when the votes are public. I have not heard from her [Arissa] for a while now, and maybe you have not either.I think Patryk will win this game.
Patryk: Tribal lines i don't think are in affect much anymore. Ater Jen got voted off maybe it will return to that. But i think it's a wild card so yeah i don't think tribal lines are still in existentence. My friends right now are Eric and Ian. My enemy right now is Arissa. I can't stand that girl. Also i'm glad she isn't able to participate much!!!!! This might get her out of the game. Thank the lord!Carl is a stranger to me. I have not been able to talk to him or anything so he is a stranger to me. My allies are alss my friends Ian and Eric! So it' s good to have friends and allies.

***The reward challenge allowed one person to block another
The contestants were asked to take a quiz about some science facts (e.g. what is the losngest protein?). Both Ian and Eric got the highest points, but since Eric submitted first, he was given the priviledge to block someone out. He blocked Carl for the IC.
Carl: It seems my fate is set. And I'll be saying TA TA to all my beloved Tribe Mates. Oh well.. I have had a ball playing in this game. And you Eric.. hmmm. YOU blocked me... maybe I'll just make you experience on Around The World Survivor a little bit more tougher. If you didn't realise I am the host. Nah.. honestly no hard feelings!!! I know what people have to do to win, and you needed me to stay low to keep from being nominated.
Patryk: Hey Carl this does not mean that you are gone. This is just setting you lower but you ain't gone yet. Thats all i have to say.

***The fifth individual IC is given out.
The challenge is the most difficult so far. They were asked to answer some questions about some novels! A lot of them did bad. Patryk did the best job with 33 pts, Eric got 30 pts. After IC, the rankings is:

Patryk- 100.6
Ian- 80.0
Eric- 75.0
Alex- 51.2
Carl- 48.0
Arissa- 39.3

Carl and Arissa are this TC's nominees.

***Totanga tribe eliminates it's fifth member.
Host: Welcome to tribal council.
Host: Patryk, it seems like u're on a roll. Do u have a game plan from hereon?
Patryk: My game plan is just to win the next RC and not be fourth! Also is just to be friends with the rest of the guys. I can't take it easy in this game until the winner is picked. I will try my hardest to win!
Host: Ian, Do u think that tribal lines exist in this game?
Ian: Of course tribal lines still exist in this game. Patryk and Eric are still in it together. Carl is staying loyal to the tribe. Arissa seems to have disappeared, but she was good about talking to all of us. I have heard from Alex a little. Now I have to vote off one of my own. Should I vote for the one who got our tribe together even though she seems to be missing in action? Or do I vote for the guy who has never contacted me but is back in the game?
Host: Erik and Alex, Is anyone, in anyway, standing out as a leader?
Eric: I don't think there are any leaders in this game. Everyone seems pretty equal.
Host: Carl and Arissa, How do u feel about being nominted? How confident are u that u will stay in the game?
Carl: I'm sd to be nominated. Not to sure I'll remain. I think everyone thinks Arissa is more of an asset.. which she is may I add. Well she was when she was here!!! WHERE ARE YA ARISSA!!! You are in MY game too.. which is gonna start REAL soon!!!
Host: It's time to vote. Everyone can vote except the nominees, Arissa and Carl. You can only choose from the nominees.
Patryk: I vote for arissa. Finaly she can leave this game. from the beging of the merge i hated her. And she dropped to being nominated and she is gone! Halleluiah!
Host: I'll read the votes...


1 vote Carl, 1 vote Arissa


Host: Arissa, the tribe has spoken!

Thru the eyes of the host...
This shows how things can easily change within a game. Former Rot-n tribe members seem to survive each week, and now the ratio is 3-2! I wonder what the next thing will be...