How the game will be played!


*There will be 12 players. This game will be played for 10 weeks non-stop. For each week, this schedule will be followed:
  Mon-"Big Dare" (BD)
  Tue-Deadline, "Big Dare" (BD)
  Wed-"Deadline: Big Dare's" winner's response (BD)
  Thu-"Extra Challenge" (EC)
  Fri-Deadline EC
  Sat-rest day
  Sun-Deadline, votes for Expelling Ritual.

*Subraybor Points and it's significance:
Points will be given based on how one did on the challenges. After EC, the contestants' rankings will be tabulated and a certain number of people will be "the nominees".
  Week 1 to 5- bottom 3 people become the nominees
  Week 6 to 8- bottom 2 people become the nominees
  Week 9- 4th placer is automatically out
  Week 10- jurors vote for the winner

*Big Dare:
Everyone is allowed and encouraged to do the BD. It's points value is bigger than EC. Furthermore, the person who does best in BD can choose a certain number of people that can join him/her in EC:
  Week 1 to 2- BD winner chooses 5 other people
  Week 3 to 4- BD winner chooses 4 other people
  Week 5 to 6- BD winner chooses 3 other people
  Week 7 to 8- BD winner chooses 2 other people
  Week 9- BD winner chooses 1 other person
In case the BD winner does not make a decision on who will play EC, everyone will be allowed to play EC except him!

*Extra Challenge (EC):
It is only given to a certain number of people and usually has a lower value than BD.

*After every Expelling Ritual, only 75% of each contestant's score can be retrieved.

*Nominees are not allowed to vote in weeks 6 to 8.

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Check out the Rules of this game and then:

If u think u can play, apply now.