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See what the future has in store for you. I would like to introduce you to Roy Neal, a professional astrologer. He writes astrology articles on a regular basis for Surefootedmama. They are updated every equinox and solstice. Also each month he writes updates for those born that month. Please enjoy! Your feedback is encouraged.

When unusual world events happen Roy will also supplement the quarterly astrology with special information so remember to check here for updates.

Reflections on the Summer Solstice by Roy Neal

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer at 6:00 pm MDT on June 20, 2008. This event is known as the Summer Solstice. A chart done for this event reveals the pattern of energies that we will psychologically and emotionally be dealing with for the next three months.

The Rising Sign is in the 29th degree of Scorpio. This is considered a critical degree because it is the last degree of the sign. Scorpio often symbolizes a process of death and transformation. Dying to an old self-image or an old way of being is indicated. We are closing out a chapter of being and getting ready to begin something new. The process of letting go of our old way of manifesting emotional security and personal value is at hand. This process is dynamically indicated by the planet Pluto in the 29th degree of Sagittarius in the second house of money, value and possessions. Pluto is the ruler of the chart so in this degree and position it can be perceived as the “Great Liberator.” It is certain that our way of earning income and manifesting value is about to dramatically change.

Sagittarius is also the sign of knowledge and education. We will need to acquire new knowledge and understanding of how to interact with others in a way that enhances our emotional and financial well-being.

Virgo is the sign at the top of the chart. Saturn is the most elevated planet in the chart and is located in the ninth house in the sign of Virgo. One way of reading this is that we are looking for work and new ways to do service. A positive aspect from Venus to Saturn suggests that we benefit financially through the connection with others. The opposition from the Sun conjunct Venus in the eighth house to Pluto in Sagittarius in the second house indicates that we may need to let go of our personal agenda in favor of someone else’s agenda in order to insure our economic well-being and personal security. The question here is: How do we play someone else’s game in a way that ultimately works best for us. Letting go of exclusive control will be necessary in order to co-create an experience of mutual benefit and sustainable value.

We will need to prioritize our energy and efforts in order to achieve our goals and objectives. Our mind will be challenged to solve problems but will not be able to come up with easy solutions. Discussions will be inspirational and educational but frustrating because of difficulties in understanding how to consciously resolve problems and practically apply new ideas.

This is a trial and error period with no easy solutions. The desire to escape reality by going on vacation and doing something fun will be strong. This could actually be a good thing in moderation. The ability to get away and experience a change of scenery can renew and recharge our emotional and physical vitality so that we are available for a fresh approach and a new perspective.

Changes in our work situation and how we earn our income will be common. Emotional instability and changes in home, family and living situations are particularly strong in the month of July.

There is a Solar Eclipse on August 1 in the sign of Leo. This eclipse symbolizes a new beginning of creative self-expression. The Lunar Eclipse will occur on August 16 in the sign of Aquarius. This eclipse suggests an emotional need to “awaken” to a new experience of relationship and a new expression of love.

Astrological Highlights Include:

As I gaze upon the waning full Moon near the planet Jupiter on the eve of the Summer Solstice, I marvel at the beauty of the lighted sky and how the Moon moves closer and closer to the light of the planet Jupiter. It is as if our emotions, which are represented by the Moon are seeking an audience with Zeus, also known as Jupiter. There is something we crave to learn and have knowledge of.

What new understanding will help us achieve our goals and objectives? It is this conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn that informs us of a new sense of purpose and meaning. A new goal is calling us; some “higher” purpose that promises greater emotional fulfillment.

At the time of the Solstice the Moon has already conjoined Jupiter and is moving towards a productive sixty degree angle to the Scorpio Ascendant and a harmonious trine to the Taurus Descendant. This suggests that we will be able to connect with others in a way that facilitates our own personal empowerment and financial security.

It is time to align with a “higher” authority (Saturn) so that a greater cause can be served. We must take responsibility to learn, grow and continue to forge ahead. A certain self-discipline will be necessary even though our conscious mind resists it.

Opportunities will come as a project that is funded and supported by a foundation or trust. Yes, I am referring to other people’s money. We have but to relinquish our desire to manage or exclusively control this venture and explore the concepts and benefits of team effort, shared resources and mutual goals.

Making friends with Saturn will be a requirement during the period of the Summer Solstice. Rewards will be available for those who observe the rules, get along with the bankers and demonstrate the ability to manifest value on a daily basis. Our survival depends upon support from others and our ability to negotiate with them for mutual benefit.

Even though our consciousness will be illumined with innovative ideas and perceptions we may find that not everyone in our environment will be able to relate or accept these insights or ideas easily. For this reason, a certain amount of discretion and discernment is necessary when it comes to sharing our knowledge, information and insights with others. It may be important to play along with the “powers that be” or appear like we are supporting the status quo. Conflicts of interest, values and ideology are strongly indicated during the Summer season. A wise course of action will be to think of ourselves as being undercover.

Astrological Highlights include a Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 1 and a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 16.

Roy Neal is a professional astrological counselor with over 36 years of study and practice in the areas of astrology, psychology and metaphysics. In order to better understand how you can deal positively with the changes and challenges of this period, call Roy at 303-757-3638 or 720-962-4633 and make an appointment for an astrological update of your personal birth chart.

Check out these COOL ZODIAK pendant necklace diffusers! And the NEWLY RELEASED gemstone bracelets to diffuse your essential oils.

I have found the most wonderful website with a sweet little creation which would make a great and thoughtful gift for those you love. They have terra cotta pendants with zodiak designs as well as several other patterns. Have a look - the price is right! If you have a woman's group you can order in bulk and receive wholesale pricing. You can diffuse your essential oils using these pendants and the fragrance will last a long time. Terra Cotta Pendants

Marsha (Surefootedmama) also has a website on Tibetan Buddhism Click to go there.

It is now time to create peace in ourselves and in the world. - Surefootedmama

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