Luqmani Thompson Partners (Incompetents)


I unfortunately chose Mr Jawaid Luqmani of Luqmani Thompson & Partners to  represent me, but  now  I realise that was a BIG mistake . I wish I could turn back the clock as both he and the Barrister  that he instructed Martin Soorjoo a barrister  of Took Chambers were totally useless in their representation and have caused me  much  more harm than would have happened if I had had no representation at all. 


                        Incompetent Solicitor    *Mr Jawaid Luqmani        *  Incompetent Solicitor

                        Incompetent Barrister    *Mr Martin Soorjoo         *   Incompetent Barrister



I would seriously suggest that you think long and hard about whether you should use a solicitor that is as incompetent as Mr Luqmani or a barrister as incompetent as Martin Soorjoo ,   but then the choice is yours.    I notice that Luqmani Thompson advertise on their website that they offer services in the field of “Public Law”.  I would not trust Jawaid Luqmani to help me across the street let alone  help in a Court case. The man is an incompetent, although his has a big ego and high opinions of himself.  If only his abilities were as big as his ego !.


I dare Mr Luqmani or Mr Soorjoo to issue proceedings against me for libel so we can air the matters and prove you are both incompetents, but you do not do so because you know that it is true.

Why not do yourself a favour and instead of using incompetent’s like Jawaid Luqmani or Martin Soorjoo  ,  find  a good solicitor at the following website as there are many  good ones listed who will properly represent you  ;

I would also think twice about using Martin Soorjoo as your barrister because he too was incompetent and could not be bothered to draft a proper defence . All in all both Jawaid Luqmani and Martin Soorjoo were hopeless and really a total and utter waste of time and space. I dont say all this lightly, I say it because I dont want others to make the same mistake as I did by using their services.

If you are thinking of using their services I would seriously suggest that you read  this first so that you don't  end up in the position I have been put in by them.
Mr Jawaid Luqmani had a lot of talk and a big ego, but underneath I discovered that there was MUCH less ability.










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