I may have had to get up at 5.30am but the SAS urf Show Tour was well worth the sleep deprivation, six hours on the train and bruised shoulder from carrying my surf board all over the place.
The reason it was all worth it were many.  You got to surf and speakwith British Surfing Champions, you got the chance to get thir signatures, you got to see the joy that the free surf school brought to school kids as they caught their first wave and you got a whole range of free goodies.
Bournemouth Pictures
Houses of Commons
Blimey!  The words frenzy and media spring to mind.  I was as guilty as anyone, snapping away getting pictures for Barefacts.  There were just so many fantastic images to be had, I had run out of shots (having taken 50 photos) in no time.  Annoyingly the digital camera decided not to let me delete a couple of crap shots and replace then with some great ones from inside the Houses of Commons.
Again this was a fantastic day.  Another multi-British Champion had joined the tour since the first day in Bournemouth.  Chris (SAS top dog for ??? years) was there.  Gas mask wearing. board totting surfers were there.  Even the gigantic inflatable turd was there!
Respect should go to Tony Blair for having sent appologies for his absence and Labour and Liberal Democrats for having several MP's at the lobby/ debate.  Shame on the Conservatives for A) not having anyone there B) their attempt to score cheap points over the government when they have a terrible record to stand on.
Houses of Commons Pictures