Survival Kit

The environment is the key to the types of items you will need in your survival kit. How much equipment you put in your kit depends on how you will carry the kit. A kit carried on your body will have to be smaller than one carried in a vehicle. Always layer your survival kit, keeping the most important items on your body. For example, your map and compass should always be on your body. Carry less important items on your load-bearing equipment. Place bulky items in the rucksack.

In preparing your survival kit, select items you can use for more than one purpose. If you have two items that will serve the same function, pick the one you can use for another function. Do not duplicate items, as this increases your kit's size and weight.

Your survival kit need not be elaborate. You need only functional items that will meet your needs and a case to hold the items. For the case, you might want to use a Band-Aid box, a first aid case, an ammunition pouch, or another suitable case. This case should be -

    • Water repellent or waterproof.
    • Easy to carry or attach to your body.
    • Suitable to accept varisized components.
    • Durable
In your survival kit, you should have -
    • First aid items.
    • Water purification tablets or drops.
    • Fire starting equipment.
    • Signaling items.
    • Food procurement items.
    • Shelter items.

Some examples of items that should be in a survival kit are -
    • A GPS receiver.
    • Lighter, metal match, waterproof matches.
    • Snare wire.
    • Signaling mirror.
    • Wrist compass.
    • Fish and snare line.
    • Fishhooks.
    • Candle.
    • Small hand lens.
    • Oxytetracycline tablets (diarrhea or infection).
    • Water purification tablets.
    • Solar blanket.
    • Surgical blades.
    • Butterfly sutures.
    • Condoms for water storage.
    • Chap Stick.
    • Needle and thread.

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