16 teenagers and young adults were
                                                                        selected to participate in a once in a
                                                                      lifetime adventure at the Knock Knolls
                                                                      forest preserve in Naperville, Illinois.
                                                                       Having played the game of
                                                                       before, they all thought they knew
                                                                      what to expect. They had all watched
Survivor over and over with the hope of
                                                                      fixing past mistakes and winning the game. This isn't just some "virtual" game on a computer; this is the real deal. The show was videotaped and edited. On this site you can read episode summaries that describe exactly what happened while looking at pictures from the video. The show ran in June of 2002, but you can still access everything from the site right here. Enjoy! From Dave Della Terza (Executive Producer).
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