
Episode 1-
Challenge- The challenge was i sent each tribe member a letter which when you put all the letters together you unscramble a word. The first tribe to send me the word wins.

Outcome- The immunity was a blow out. Maranu had 7 people on quickly where as Tangola only had 3. So Maranu got Immunity.

Who was voted out- Patick

Episode 2-
Challenge- Each tribe member was given a piece of a puzzle the first tribe to complete it and send it back won immunity.
Outcome- At the deadline the only thing I got was one piece sent back from Imran so Maranu won immunity.
Who was voted out- Michael

Episode 3-
Challenge- Each tribe were given 13 names of survivors from the real survivor show and were asked to figure out how many votes they had without tie breaker votes.
Outcome- The tribes represented by Colin for Maranu and Shannon for Tangola each got 11 out of 13. For the tie breaker they had to get Sue from survivor 1 right because neither tribe got it. Imran was the first to send in the correct answer so Maranu won their 3rd strait immunity.
Who was voted out- Vanessa

Episode 4-
Challenge- This was a live challenge. I asked questions of varying point values to the two tribes. Whoever answered it correct first got the points for their tribe.
Outcome- It was a blow out as Tangola for the first time got did a very good job winning 10-3 on the immunity, breaking their three strait loss streak.
Who was voted out- Emmanuel

Episode 5-
Twist- Each tribe member was told to pick a number and when they picked the number it told them what tribe they were on. Each tribe also had a Trader and a Vetoer. The traders could make up to three trades but the vetoers could veto any of the trades. One trade was completed.
Challenge- The challenge was very simple. The first tribe to reply to me saying "We want immunity" won immunity.
Outcome- Tangola was the first tribe to complete the challenge meaning they won their second strait immunity.
Who was voted out- Kwelli

Episode 6-
Challenge- The subject of this live immunity challenge was geography. I would ask each tribe a question about the next place, when they got it right they moved on. The first tribe to make it around the world to Anguilla won immunity.
Outcome- The Maranu tribe was tangled up in the first question for a long time giving Tangola a big lead. Tangola didn't waste their oppurtunity finishing in a half an hour where Maranu took a whole hour. Tangola won their 3rd strait immunity after loosing their first 3.
Who was voted out- Colin

Episode 7-
Merge- I asked each tribe to send one represenitive. They were then asked to make a tribe name and a flag. The tribe name that they made was Honjerpussbah.
Challenge- Everyone was given 10 items and their goal was to go around the internet and shop for the lowest price on them. The person who's total was the lowest won immunity. They could not use ebay or any other auction site though.
Outcome- I only got about half of the people to do the immunity but Matt had the lowest total of the people who did the immunity.
Who was voted off- Ryan

Episode 8-