What's New Pussy Cat?
My poor site!  It had been put aside for the last few years as I had been swept away to university!  Well I'm back now, and have added a few new features, including this, the news page, where I'll be adding information on the latest additions to the site.
Check out the new quizz, which can be accessed from either the Harpo page, or the Chico page.  It's not particularly difficult, but the emphasis is more on fun.  I hope to have more questions added to it soon.
22 November 2002
22 November 2002
This site was last updated 23 July 2003
The home/index page now has a black background, and new page counter, and has been ammended slightly.  Page cuonters are also now on the Harpo and Chico page and this page (lame piece of news I know, but I thought I'd tell you all anyway).
22 November 2002
A (Semi) interesting thing I've noticed is since I set this site up the Harpo and Chico Collages (which can be seen on the first page you go to when you click the picture link on the Harpo or Chico page) they have appeared on several other sites....  Are they passing these off as their own, or just a picutre they found on some website somewhere?  I think I take it as a compliment....  I made those myself!!  Took me hours....  You heard it here first!
24 November 2002
I've added another new game to the site, and so have created a new games page.  I hope to have another one or two more games to add soon.
23 July 2003
Well I thought it was about time I tooke the Christmas decorations down....  Think it's safe to say we're passed the Christmas season he he... I still plan to get a few more games running.    I have one question though...  Why is it that after a while my guest book stops working?  I then loose all the messages that were in there...  This is twice this has happened now...  I'll try posting a new one....  But is this a fault with yahoo/geocities?