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Baby Pereira!!!

We are having a baby!!!!
Due date is January 21st, 2003 and we couldn't be happier! Everything is going wonderfully. My body is doing strange and exciting things every day, and I feel blessed to be able to bring a life into this world!

If it's a boy we will probably be naming him Michael Vitorio, and if it's a girl, Angelina Marjorie Vitoria. Our 18 week ultrasound showed a healthy, active little baby doing everything it should. We were so relieved and thrilled to see the little one full of beans. Time until the baby is born will seem to take forever! We can't wait to hold our little "potato" in ours arms!!

December 2002 - Only 1 1/2 months to go! Soon another cat lover will enter the world.. and my kitties lives will never be the same!!

January 21st, 2003 - Well we have reached our due date, and Baby Pereira is still sitting snugly and comfortably in Mommy's tummy.. hopefully it won't be too much longer before we hold our little one in our arms!


Baby Michael Vitorio Pereira arrived at 3:43 a.m. on January 30th, 2003. He had to be induced (guess he was happy being where he was!) and was delivered by c-section at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster (thank you Dr. Ubhi!).
Weighing in at a respectable 8lbs 4 1/2 oz, measuring a solid 21 3/4 inches, with brown hair, and brownish/hazel eyes. He is the apple of his mommy and daddy's eye, and one alert, healthy baby!!

Click HERE for more on Mikey!

We Love You, Mikey!