H  A  R  L  E  M



    L I T E R A T U R E  


           M U S I C  


                  A R T


                S C I E N C E




The Harlem Renaissance was a period of time in the 1920s and 1930s when African Americans moved to Northern cities, especially New York. Their creativity and dedication to their passions changed the course of literature, music, art, and science in America.

An example of their creativity can be seen in the background of this page.  It is a repeated reprint of "Totempoles" painted by Lois Mailou Jones. 

For another site on the Harlem Renaissance, try this link:

This page was created by
        Susan Glassburn
    For the 1st Quarter Project
    US & World History, Honors 10
        Period 5
    & last updated on Oct. 5, 2000