<BGSOUND SRC="thanksgiving-feast.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
My Faith
I have always been drawn to a pond or lake or the ocean. Therefore I like lighthouses a lot. A friend of mine sent me this web site and now I would like to share it with you. It takes a little time for it to download but the page and the message in the song are well worth the wait. Please go there now >>>>
Visit my friend's web site
Cornerstone is a Gospel        Quartet. Visit them now by   clicking on their name above. While you are there, sign their guestbook and tell them I sent you!                      
Each night before I sleep, I thank the Lord for giving me one more day. One more day to live as He has taught; to share the bounty with which He has blessed me. One more day to revel  in the beauty of this earth. And one more day to share His word, His love, His way. And for each tomorrow with which I am blessed, I will thank the Lord again and then again .....
Prayer is a natural reality, a moment, full and whole, a physical break for your body, a breath for your aching soul.
A wonderful page called
CHILDREN'S EYES *** Visit This Page!