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Pets Are People Too!
Some Facts
Our Cats
Left to right: Jack, Scotch and Vetern
Jack: He is terribly scared of storms and noises. He loves your feet and would crawl inside your shoes and sleep if he would fit.

Scotch: He would eat all day long if you let him. He is the biggest of our cats and wants to be where you are all the time.

Vetern: He got his name because we got him on Vetern's Day. He and Scotch are brothers that come from the same litter.

L-R     Jack, Scotchie and Vetern
The story goes: I had a gray and white cat that we called "Socks" because he had 4 white paws. He became ill and we discovered he was full of tumors. Needless to say we had to put him to sleep to not suffer and I was very sad. One evening as I arrived home from work, my son and his girlfriend had gone to the mall pet shop and discovered some lady had brought in a litter of kittens and pleaded with the shop to take them as if they did not her husband was going to drown them in a river nearby. So, without shots, or any attention at all, my son and girlfriend brought to me Scotch and Vetern. They had fleas, ear mites, were dirty and not nearly
old enough to be away from their mother. So, off to the vet we went and got them all fixed up. Soon the fleas were gone, no more ear mites, and with the vitamins we were instructed to feed them, they began eating really well and growing into fine healthy kittens. That was 17 years ago folks and now these two from the same litter live the life of Riley and want for nothing. So that is how they came into my life.
Jack came from a litter of 7. He was born in a barn.
Vetern and Scotch
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