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For serious mushroom pickers who want to make a profit picking mushrooms

My book Fire Morels For Profit tells how to pick the mushrooms and explains what buyers are looking for.  Don't have your mushrooms rejected because you failed to follow the buyers standard for acceptable mushrooms.

"The book Fire Morels For Profit is a great reource book. It helped me locate the morels in a burn. At the buyers station I watched as the buyers sorted picker's mushrooms and discarded so many because they were not picked correctly. Picking is hard workd and to have your mushrooms discarded is heartbreaking.The fewer mushrooms, the less money. The tips Doris gives in her book helped me to pick correctly and consequently all my mushrooms were accepted and yeielded creater profits.  Being a Novice picker, I could not have done as well without this book"......Heather Buchholz

                 Buy now   $9.99 canadian

Mushroom pickers are needed for the 2005 season in Alaska and Saskatchewan.  My book shows you what equipment you need and how to succeed in picking Fire Morels

CBC News report  Feb. 2005 --Last Year's fires could mean mushroom boom read now

In mid spring, the northern Saskatchewan forests give rise to one of the most sought after and delectable mushrooms in the world: the morel.