Hi, Welcome to my very first Home Page!!!
As you can see there isn't much to look at, ponder over, or even scrutinize at the moment.  Yet this will be changing in the coming weeks. ( I HOPE! )  In my mind's eye I see this page containing  old time  family  favorites, a bit of nostalgia if you will. Special memories shared from our household to yours.  Anything from childhood antics to movies, music, maybe even a recipe or two.  You just never know what may appear here!  We're just one big ole happy family, most of which live under the same roof,  who have collected numerous things through the years.  Our ages range from 2years to 45 years and our goodies go far beyond that!  In our home are 10 people who, in one way or another will be contributing to this page.  And hey let's not forget the  lizard(ugh), 7 cats and no not a partridge in a pear tree but 1 very fat little hampster!   No we're not crazy...then again...maybe we are.  We simply believe in some old fashioned family values such as Family Importance, Responsibilities, and sticking  together  through  thick and thin.  With us all under one roof it's definitely an experience I'll tell you that.  But  I wouldn't have missed out on this for the world nor would I do things differently given the chance!!!  I hope you'll stop by again  and visit a while and maybe we can send you on your way with a smile on your face and a few fond memories of your own.  I'll try not to be as long winded  next time.   ;-)
Thought For The Day:
May the Best Day of your past be the worst day of your future.  (hmmm)
   Hello Again Everyone!  Something really
G-R-E-A-T has happened and I couldn't wait to share it .  So here it is I've been accepted as a member of "The Garden House"!!!  A group of truely wonderful ladies.   I thank each and every one of them  for this honor and all of their  warm wishes and welcomes.  Please visit them at the link below.  Kick off your shoes,  sit back, relax and prepare for a wonderful journey .
Thanks Sienna, for stopping by!
My Very First Ever!
   Thanks Again ~Da'Bee~!!!
All Background Designs are my own creations.  However if anything else should appear on any of my pages that is not for general use...Please Advise through my e-mail link below.  And if for any reason anyone would like to use one of my backgrounds...PLEASE FEEL FREE to do so!  Actually I'd be honored since this is my first attempt at creating any kind of graphics.  I only ask 2 things, right click and save to your own hard drive, and take a second to drop me a line and let me know which page you liked.  
Thank You ,
Sunshine*** & Smiles :) :) :)