Miscellanea / Color Codes

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Here are a few colors which you can use in your Web Pages, either for text or background. These colors are looking like this in IE 5.0, but in other browsers they may look different.

Here the first three pages are created with variants of color codes, therefore the shades of the same color are scattered. While Pages 4 and 5 are created with similar color shades together, therefore the codes are scattered, but the shades are together.

There are some miscellaneous colors also arranged in four pages: 

Miscellaneous Colors 1
Miscellaneous Colors 2
Miscellaneous Colors 3
Miscellaneous Colors 4
Miscellaneous Colors 5
Miscellaneous Colors 6 - Colors used by name

There are some other pages also about colors:
ZDNet Developer Graphics Section.
The sRGB color model, W3C.
Lynda Weinman's pages are considered by many to be de-facto standard reading on color issues.
David Siegel's "The Color Cube" -- Also considered required reading on color issues.
The Background FAQ, maintained by Mark Koenen. Good information.
"Color Vision, Color Deficiency," by Diane Wilson. Good discussion of color issues to keep in mind.
Very good visual representation I have ever seen "Safety Palette."
An excellent color picker page.
Another good color picker.

text background color matching page
This is another page on Web. You may visit this page for matching the text color with the background color. It is good to visit this page.

colors, text and backgrounds
There is another page related to color. It gives you 7 text colors on many backgrounds in one time, as how they look. But it does not provide the codes for colors. Thus over 25 pages are there.


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Created by Sushma Gupta on May 27, 2001
Modified on 08/31/06