本文へジャンプ 人名編 

袁術(Yuan Shu)は劉備(Liu Bei)と呂布(Lu Bu)との離間策として、自分の息子と呂布の娘との縁談をすすめようとします。呂布の正妻厳氏、陳宮(Chen Gong)も賛成し、陳宮の計らいで花嫁行列(trousseau)が袁術のもとへ向かおうとします。これを止めたのが徐州の名士の一人である陳桂(Chen Gui)老人でした。劉備の配下の息子陳登(Chen Deng)とともに呂布、曹操(Cao Cao)を巧みにあしらい、その後の三国志世界に大きな影響を与えていくこととなります。

Chen Gui 陳桂 Chen Deng 陳登 Han Yin 韓胤 
Song Xian 宋憲 Wei Xu 魏続
trousseau 嫁入り行列 Relative-above-Stranger (縁組による)遠親近攻策

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、花嫁


Chapter XV  In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat..

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

He went into the private apartments to see his wife and told her the bride elect would set out immediately and the trousseau was to be prepared as far as it could be. On his side he chose some good horses and had a wedding carriage got ready. The escort consisted of Han Yin and two of Lu Bu's generals, Song Xian and Wei Xu. The procession went out of the city to the sound of music.
Now at this time Chen Gui, father of Chen Deng, was placidly waiting till the evening of his life passed into night. Hearing this burst of music he inquired the occasion, and the servants told him.
"They are working on the 'Relative-above-Stranger' device, then," said Chen Gui. "Liu Bei is in danger."
Thereupon in spite of his many infirmities, he went to see Lu Bu.
"Noble Sir, what brings you here?" asked Lu Bu.
"I heard you were dead, and I came to mourn," quavered the old man.
"Who said that?" exclaimed his host.
"Once upon a time you received grand presents from Yuan Shu that you might slay Liu Bei, but you got out by that clever shot at your halberd. Now they suddenly seek a marriage alliance thinking to get hold of your daughter as a pledge. The next move will be an attack on Xiaopei and, that gone, where are you? Whatever they ask in future, grain or troops or anything else, and you yield, will bring your own end nearer, and make you hated all round. If you refuse, then you are false to the duties of a relative, and that will be an excuse to attack you openly. Beside this Yuan Shu intends to call himself emperor, which would be rebellion, and you would be of the rebel's family: Something abominable, which the multitude people would not suffer."
Lu Bu was much disturbed to hear this.
"I have been misled by Chen Gong!" cried he.
So he hurriedly sent Zhang Liao to bring the wedding party, which had been ten miles away, back to the city. When they had come, Lu Bu threw Han Yin into prison and sent a reply to Yuan Shu saying curtly that the girl's trousseau was not ready and she could not be married till it was.


第二十一課← ⇒第二十三課

