Womens bodybuilding

The toxicity of these are unfortunately largely unknown, but a good rule of thumb is the more androgenic and anabolic the more liver toxic. womens bodybuilding Children and nutrition. The BigFollowing are some compounds which have anabolic activity that rival many of the most potent anabolic compounds available in pharmacies across the world. This is a steroid developed by Germans (I assume the infamous East German pharmaceutical company Jenapharm). There has to be something wrong with the numbers in the research because this purportedly has an A/A ratio of something like 121!! The specific numbers say that it has anabolic activity 7. womens bodybuilding Zone diet plan. 3 times that of methandrostenolone (dianabol) while maintaining a seminal vesicle androgenic reading of 0. 06 times that of methandrostenolone. I dunno::. womens bodybuilding Fat belly. You steroid chemists out there will notice that this odd steroid is a sort of hybrid between trenbolone acetate and oxandrolone (anavar). The result is that it shares the same low A/A ratio of nandrolone while being 5 times as potent. Probably very expensive to manufacture though. This orally active compound is a nandrolone derived compound with an 11beta-hydroxyl functional group. This functional group is usually not found on androgens but rather is a key characterisitic of glucocorticoids. In this case it does not seem to hurt the activity of this compound as it measures out with an anabolic activity 8. 00 times and an androgenic activity of 2. 60 that of MT. The A/A ratio is therefore a fair 3. 07The BadThese bad boys are at least as strong if not stronger than anything you could ever get your hands on. You 1-AD aficionados may find this compound vaguely familiar. It is basically a methylated version of 1-testosterone. No, it is not legal for sale as a supplement. Yes, it is very potent - 9. 1 to 16. 0 times as anabolic as MT. It is mildly androgenic too - 1. 0 to 2. 2 times MT. This compound was shown to be 10 times as anabolic as MT orally. By injection however it was only 1. 3 times as anabolic. Don't ask me to explain why. It is also somewhat androgenic - around 3 times as much as MT. Look familiar? Its almost the same as the previous compound except there is an ethyl group coming off of carbon 13 in the steroid nucleus instead of the normal methyl group. This class of steroids is known as 13beta-ethyl gonanes. The 17alpha methyl is also replaced by an ethyl. The result of these alterations is a significant increase of the anabolic activity.

Womens bodybuilding

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