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Hi it's me again!! *giggles* I am now 2 years old!! I love to eat...just about anything!! I love to play with my brothers...well when my older brother isn't trying to boss me around or my younger brother isn't trying to drown me with drool!! I have a huge vocabulary and I already know my abc's, how to count to 10 and the days of the week!!

Mommy says I am growing up much to fast. She calls me her sunshine *S* because I am always smiling and so polite. If you sneeze or cough I say "bless you" and I say "please and thank you".

My birthday was much better this year. We had a party and my bestest friends Courtney and Jay came and brought me a really nice present!! I love to sing!! I can sing lots of songs!! I love Sunday school and church!! I gave my crib to my baby brother and now I sleep in a big boy bed.

It was great visiting with you but mommy just dished up some ice cream and I'm going to have some. Come back soon!!

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Here is my stats!!

Weight: 28 pounds of pure muscle *giggle*

Height: 32 inches

Hair: blonde

Eyes: Brown

Favorite Foods: ice cream & cake

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Books: The Bible Story Book

Favorite Activities: Bath time, Eating, and playing with legos

Favorite Toy: My Mama Bear

Favorite song: Old McDonald Had A Farm

Dislikes: Mommy's Computer!!

Nickname: Scooter

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Growing Up

I am getting taller
I am growing everyday
I am fast becoming a big boy
At least that's what they say!!

Soon I won't need my diapers
I'll wear those big boy pants
When I learn to use the potty
Mommy said she'd do a little dance!!

I am using forks and spoons
And I even drink from a cup
I am talking really well
I can even say "what's up!!

My clothes are getting bigger
No more baby clothes for me
I'll be all grown up soon
Just you wait and see!!

This poem written by Lynne
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©2001-All rights reserved

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My Other Pages

luna button My Main Page
luna button All About Me
luna button Mommy and Baby's Journal
luna button My Birth Story
luna button Sutton's First Year
luna button Sutton's Secomd Year
luna button Sutton's Third Year
luna button My Picture Album
luna button My Music Page
luna button Pregnancy Links

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.......if I know who visited,
I can drop by and sign yours too!!

I love to get mail!!

friends have dropped in!!

I know my mommy loves me,
She takes good care of me!!
And she made all these great pages,
For everyone to see!!

This poem written by Lynne
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©1999-All rights reserved


All graphics are originals made just for me by my mommy and are not for download!!

This web site was created by CL&M Tuck © 1997, 1998 & 1999.

This site was last updated Sunday, September 9, 2001.

Please note: This site is in no way affiliated with Bear in the Big Blue House or Disney or the Jim Henson Company. Bear in the Big Blue House is copyright by ©Disney and ©Jim Henson Company All rights reserved. BEAR IN THE BIG BLUE HOUSE logo, The JIM HENSON signature logo, the KERMIT HEAD logo and certain character likeness and character names are trademarks of The Jim Henson Company. All rights reserved.

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