The journey so far ........                                                                             

I belong to India , the land featuring the world's oldest civilization and the world's largest democracy. I was born and brought up in Bhubaneswar, the capital city of the state of Orissa ( the land of Lord Jagannath ), in the eastern coast of India. I spent 12 yrs of my school life in Demonstration Multipurpose School (Commonly known as D. M. School). I got my Seconadry School Certificate (10th) and the Senior Secondary SchoolCertificate (12th/ +2) from there. Then joined University College Of Engineering (Commonly known as UCE), Burla to pursue my Bachelors of Engineering in Electrical Engineering Department.

A new chapter started when UCE happenned to me and I went on to complete my BE in Electrical Enginerring at UCE Burla in May 1998. Life at UCE was too exciting to put in words and that too in a single page, ask any UCEian ( oh!! , they are omnipresent ) , he will tell you what those 4 years meant to him and how they helped him understand himself even better. I spent my undergrad days in the North and the West Hostels and made some great friends there. There were 12 of us, and we called ourselves as the Group of Sharks (I am not able to recollect now where we got that name from -- Hey Sujit if you are reading this webpage at any point of time let me know the answer). I am sure none of us will be able to forget those days, those moments of joy and sorrow (there were plenty of them !! ) we shared.

After I passed out from UCE, joined one of the leading Software Firms in India, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). I was there in Pune for almost 2 yrs working in the Process Optimization group in TRDDC (Tata Research Development and Design Centre). Then i came on a deputation to General Motors, Detroit, USA for 6 months. I went back to India from Detroit in Dec 2000 to get married to Asha. After getting married, i came to Minneapolis, USA. There i was working for American Express Financial advisors (AEFA), Minneapolis, USA. I was working as a Consultant in the Middleware team of AEFA. After working all these long years, I felt that something is missing in my life. Then I decided to go for further studies.

Post TCS, my story takes a Texan turn !!, I joined the Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, in Fall 2001, to pursue my graduate studies (Masters in Computer Science). I was working as a Research Assistant at the Centre for the Study of Digital libraries, Computer Science Department under Dr. Frank Shipman and Dr. Richard Furuta on the Walden's Paths project. There i was working on building a data mining application to figure out Context-Based Change Metrics for web pages.

As time passed by, i graduated from Texas A&M University and joined Expedia. Currently I am working in the Stores/Packages Team. I am involved in the package features at Expedia. I am also involved with the group that deals with the Promotional Emails. Check out your Emails all the while. Might get some good deals/coupons that you can use for your next travel. Haven't subscribed to the Promotional Emails. Login at Expedia and change your email settings in your profile. Best of Luck.

If you want to keep a tab on me here on, frequent this page !!


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Last Modified: 03/10/2004