Welcome to my morning   Welcome to my day,  I'm the one responsible, I made it just this way.            I made myself some pictures,  to see what they might bring,  I think I made it perfectly,  I wouldn't change a thing....             J Denver
Hi, my name is Alice and I love to garden and everything to do with nature.  I also love photography and playing my guitar.
I have been married for 26 years, and have three grown children and numerous pets. Come visit with my family and home.
I have been gardening since I was 8 years old.  I now grow veggies, fruit, herbs and many flowers. Come take a walk down my garden path.
Last year I decided to try watergardening. It has been a most pleasurable experience.  I now have two ponds and have goldfish and koi, frogs and dragonflies, and many plants.   Dive on into my pond...
In 1997 I also undertook the project of having my yard certified by the National Wildlife Federation as a backyard habitat.  Come see the birds and other critters that visit my little acre.
By far, the most fascinating new thing I have endeavored upon is beekeeping.  I now have three hives and want to expand to five in the next year or two.  Buzz on into my beeyard, I promise you won't get stung.
I hope that you enjoy my little piece of the web, and, as I'm sure to be updating often as the year progresses.... come back soon.
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