Who am I?
Who am I? Don't you hate that question? So..tell me a little about yourself? Sounds like an interview for a job at Chucky Cheese.

My parents named me Susan. It took me a long time to like that name. I really don't look or act like any of the Susan's I know. My friends call me Suzi. That seems to fit me better.

I've been blessed with three  great loves of my life-they know who they are. For alone time, I enjoy writing poetry, reading true crime novels, listening to music and talking with friends. I also have a not-so-secret guilty pleasure of eighties metal. Yeah! I'm a rock chick!
Nathaniel's World
Night at the Monster Jam
Roar! Roar! Raptors Roar!
Gabriel's World
Alter Egos
A Night with a Rock Star