The Choice

By: Lorinda Moroschan

So many questions I ask myself today. Am I ready? Do I have what it takes? Can I do it? What will happen in the end? Can we win? To answer these along with many other questions we are faced with, we have to remember one thing. It’s a matter of faith and believing in ourselves. We all know the amount of countless hours of work we and especially the coaches put in at practice, and now come the hardest, but possibly most rewarding parts of it all. There will be fear and that is natural, but also something we can control. We must focus on that which we can control and forget that which we cannot. It takes a great amount of sacrifice to become victorious, but this in itself is a choice we must make.

Confidence is one key element along with determination and probably most importantly “HEART”. “The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” When we look back on this day, it is important to not have any regrets. The way to measure your success and reach your potential is to ask yourself, do I have any regrets? The would have, could have, should have’s of life. If you don't look back on the things you wish you could have changed, then you can become successful and achieve any goal you wish. You have to play every game as if it was your last.

We are a “TEAM” and we must all pull together and be “wanting” it just as much as the person beside us. Of course there will be ups and downs, but by giving it your all, and staying focused you can accomplish anything. The true champions will always find a way, and we have a chance to do something never done before, which will determine the champion inside us all. Mental part is key. It is a mind game we are playing with ourselves and others, and it's those who keep their cool, always being optimistic, focused, and have the courage to challenge what is inside us, who will become victorious.

So how can we make it the most rewarding situation of all? We are all forced to make a choice and we have to believe we can. No one can do it for us and that’s where the mental part comes in. We have to constantly pursue our goals and keep fighting even when things seem hopeless. There is always a chance. “Obstacles are the frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.”

So, I leave you with two things: “Carpe Diem”, meaning "Seize The Day", and the choice is yours, it's time to take the next step to reach our potential and bring out the true champions inside us.

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