Some More of My Friends
This is my friend in Delaware, Kelly, the buzz cut is a military thing...Isn't he a HOTTIE?!?!
This is my dog Samantha, her eyes look a little strange because I had to doctor them up, the flash from the camera made her look psycho.
This is my friend from TN DJ, he isn't really is serious as he looks in this picture. He is actually very goofy!!
How my rommate Krissy starts her day.
This is Kelly's favorite picutre of himself ;). If you know him, don't tell him that it is on here. Can you guess what he is hiding??
And this is Stephanie, the hopeless romantic. She hates this picture, but I like it, and since this is my website I am going to put it up. She also needs to learn to dump loser friends like Nick.
Click here to see a few more friends:)