Who is my future partner?
I like my partner to be playful but also serious when necessary. I like respectful humor. "Bitch" and referring to another man as "she" is BIG turn off! Practical and solution oriented not blame oriented. Financially stable, (do you know what a savings account is? Can you pay your bills for the next 3 months if you would loose your job today?).

What turns me on are MASCULINE/BUTCH  men that are sensitive and have  big hearts (within reason).
My favorite parts of the body are beefy thighs and butt (did I mentioned that if wrapped in leather pants it would be a BIG plus...?). Some tatoos and piercings to usual places are OK with me. Drugs are a BIG NO NO, unless legal in Holland. Your HIV status does not matter to me as long as you are healthy. Race does not matter.

I don't need someone who has to change to fit this profile. He should already have it! In my experience with previous relationships trying to change yourself or your partner is a set up for disaster. Let's make sure that 80 to 90% is already there.