Projects completed
 Website Design and maintainance 
   1. BITS official website development and maintainance (visit the site)
   2. CSD website development(HTML) (visit the site)
   3. CSD website development(Flash) (visit the site)

   4. Virtual Tour of BITS campus(Visit the site).

   5. 360 degree view of BITS campus(Visit the site).

  Database design and development
       1. Online registration in BITS
          This  software  has been developed to aid the Online Registration 
          program  undertaken by  the  Academic  Registration  and Counseling 
          Division. This project was done during August-December, 2000. There 
          are two components in the project. The first component takes the ID of
          a particular   student  and displays the timetable of that student for the 
          current  semester in  standard format. The second component provides 
          interface for a student to register for the courses. As student carries on 
          with the registration the software checks for the clashes in the timetable 
          and guides him  through the  registration    process.    The database was 
         initially designed using raw binary files in C to facilitate security over the 
         network on Unix platform. Then the whole database is transferred to 
         oracle using Developer 2000 as front end.

  Network Programming
      Assignment: Concurrent UDP TFTP Server (view)
      Download (.doc) All the Assignments.
      Download (.pdf)  All the Assignments.

   Advance Computer Organization
    Download (.doc) all the Assignments
    Download (.pdf) all the Assignments